
Sharpening Your Marketing Skills

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Sharpening Your Marketing Skills

When I opened the first store for my business, I expected the customers to pour in. Unfortunately, the first week of operations, I only helped about 50 people. I quickly realized that attracting customers was a little harder than I thought it would be. In an attempt to stay in business, I worked with a friend of mine who knew a little more about marketing. Together, we were able to form a plan of attack, and within a few weeks we had turned things around. If you are in the same boat, check out my website. You can learn how to sharpen your marketing skills, so that you can love your job.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Include Aerial Advertising In Your Marketing Campaign

When you are trying to promote your business, you want your marketing plan to include unique methods of getting your name out there. Television and print advertisements are the common route people take in the hopes of reaching a responsive audience. If you really want to capture the attention of all demographics of individuals, discover why aerial advertising is something you should consider.


Studies have shown that 77% of people who see an airplane fly overhead with a banner attached to it not only take notice of what is gliding through the air, but they remember the company mentioned and the attached message as well. This is a tremendous achievement in advertising, and gives you a potentially large return on your marketing investment. Unlike radio or television ads, where a consumer must be actively watching or listening to even catch your ad, an airplane is easily heard and draws curiosity, especially when it has a colorful banner trailing behind it. People are so unaccustomed to this classic form of advertising that they are entertained by it and eager to see just who is flying a message across the skies.


Aerial advertising is cheaper than most other options of wide stream advertising, including television, radio, and print. A television ad on local channels, for example, runs a cost of $200–$1,500, and you don't get control over how often or when your ad is run. With aerial advertising, you can pay a company to fly your banner once a week, once or month, or a single time. Unlike many forms of advertising where a reader or viewer would have to be tuned in to a specific channel or part of a newspaper or magazine to view your ad, when a banner is in the sky, anyone can take advantage of your message.

Unique appeal

You can customize your banner any way you'd like, choosing the size, color, type of font, and even graphics to make your message clear to viewers. A printing service can create an ad for you that can be seen from miles away. Since an aerial as is so unique and refreshing compared to the abundance of commercial and print ads, people will recognize right away that they are seeing something different, and will appreciate the company behind it.

Aerial advertising is a beneficial way to promote your business and reach a wide audience. From retention to costs, you can use this form of advertising for a grand opening, anniversary sale, or just to stand out from your competitors anytime you wish. Talk to a professional like High Exposure Inc Aerial Advertising for more information.